Configure identity provider mappers

After creating an identity provider in Access Manager, you can add mappers to it.

  1. On the left side bar, click Identity Providers.

  2. In the list of identity providers, click the identity provider for which you want to add a mapper.

    The configuration page related to this identity provider opens.

  3. Click the Mappers tab.

    The list of mappers is displayed (if any available).

  4. Click Create.

    The Add identity providers mapper pane opens.

  5. Enter a name for the mapper.
  6. Select a sync mode override option (how the mapper should update user information when the user logs in repeatedly):

    • legacy — Use the behavior in the previous Access Manager version.

    • import — Import only data from when the user was first created in Access Manager during the first login to Access Manager with a particular identity provider.

    • force — Update user data at each user login.

    • inherit — Use the sync mode configured in the identity provider, all other options will override this sync mode.

  7. Select a mapper type.

  8. Depending on the mapper type, different settings are required. Complete them as appropriate.

    View the settings for the mapper types:

  9. Save your changes.

  10. The mapper is configured and added to the list of mappers related to the selected identity provider.

  11. (Optional) To edit the mapper, in the list of mappers, click its link.

    The mapper's configuration pane opens.

    1. Change the settings as needed.

      Note: You cannot change the mapper's type. Only the fields specific to that mapper type are editable. To change, the mapper's type, create a new mapper and delete the old one.

    2. Save your changes.

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