You can configure a custom self-signed certificate in the Kubernetes dashboard. For more information, see NGINX Ingress Controller Guide.


  • Install the DataClarity platform with the self-signed certificate enabled.
  • If the self-signed certificate was disabled during the installation, you need to reinstall and enable it:
      1. Execute the script.
      2. Type n when asked to remove the postgres data, in order to keep the current database.
      3. Execute the script.
      4. Type y when asked to set up HTTPS using Self-Signed SSL Certificate.


  1. Create a new secret using the certificate files, where ‘new-ssl’ is the name of the secret, and ‘ssl.key’ and ‘ssl.crt’ are the certificate files:

    kubectl create secret tls new-ssl --key="ssl.key" --cert="ssl.crt"

  2. In the Kubernetes dashboard, edit the nginx-ingress-microk8s-controller.yaml file, under ‘nginx-ingress-microk8s’ add the following SSL arg, where ‘new-ssl’ is the name of the secret:



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