Format dates & numbers

After you add a numeric or date column in a data field, you can change the format specifically for the visualization. If you duplicate or copy a widget, the formats will be preserved.

To format columns for a dataset, see Manage data and data sources in a dataset (Step 2).

  • You added a visualization widget to a storyboard. For details, see Add widgets.
  • The widget settings pane is open.
  • You selected a dataset and added columns in the respective data fields for the visualization.
  1. On the data tab, point to a column, click Options, and then select Format.

    For a date column, set the aggregation to Default, then click Options and select Format.

    Important: The Default aggregation option for the dates does not aggregate them but only applies a selected format to each record. For example, let’s say you have the three dates: January 1, January 2, and August 1. You select Default and format them as “Year Quarter.” As a result, you get the following three records: 2021 Q1, 2021 Q1, and 2021 Q3.

    Note: The column format specified for a column in a visualization takes priority over the dataset format and the default format defined on the appearance tab. However, you can quickly return to the original dataset format by clicking Reset format.

  2. Customize the formatting options depending on the column type:

    (Table widget only) You can change the alignment of the values in any column. Under Alignment, select the needed option (left, right, center or auto).

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