Local authentication settings
If you decide to use local authentication in the Platform, before you start creating new users and optionally groups, you should define which user actions should be required in the process of authentication and how strong the password must be.

Define the required actions by selecting the Enabled checkbox in the second column. The actions selected on this tab appear in the Required User Actions field when adding a new user or managing user details:
- Verify email – Send an email to the users email address with a link to verify the email. Once this workflow is successfully completed, the user will be allowed to log in.
- Update profile – Require a user to enter personal information (name, address, email, phone number, and so on).
- Update password – Require a user to change a password.
Select the Default column to assign the corresponding action to an account whenever a new user is created.

Manage the following password policies:
- Expire Password
- Minimum Length
- Not Recently Used
- Special Characters
- Digits
- Not Username
- Uppercase Characters
- Lowercase Characters
Hashing Iterations – This value specifies the number of times a password will be hashed before it is stored or verified. The default value is 20,000. This hashing is done in the rare case that a hacker gets access to your password database. Once they have access to the database, they can reverse engineer user passwords. The industry recommended value for this parameter changes every year as CPU power improves. A higher hashing iteration value takes more CPU power for hashing.
Hashing Algorithm – Passwords are not stored as clear text, but hashed using standard hashing algorithms before they are stored or validated. The only built-in and default algorithm available is PBKDF2.
Regular Expression – Define one or more Perl regular expression patterns that passwords must match.
Password Blacklist – Define passwords must match.
To add a new policy, use the dropdown list in the upper-right corner. If appropriate for the policy, edit the value, and save your changes.