Edit page properties

For each page on a storyboard, you can change its name, color, background image, layout type and size, the appearance of page tabs, and the order of the widgets.

  • You have all the necessary role permissions granted by an administrator in Access Manager.

  • You opened a storyboard and selected the page whose properties you want to edit.

    For the content in Shared with me, you need to have the View and Edit shared content permissions granted by the sharer.

  1. On the Storyboards toolbar, click Enable changes.

  2. Point to a page tab, click Options, and then click Customize.

    The Pages pane appears.

  3. Edit the following page properties as needed:

  4. (Optional) Point to a page tab, click Options, and then click Refresh to reflect the data changes in real time. However, the datasets are refreshed only if they are based on enterprise data sources.
  5. Click SaveSave on the Storyboards toolbar.
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